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since Dec 5 Урангуа, Жамсрангийн et al. Mongolč erdemtdijn bičig dzachiluud
since Dec 5 Dandzindžunaj, Džado rinpočhe Düjnchoryn vangijn chötölbör, tajlbar
since Dec 5 Čoyijungjab Oyirad ayalɣu
since Dec 5 İÜ Moğol Çalişmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayını et al. Uygur-moğol dili yadigârlari (13.-16. yüzyıllar) : giriş, yazıçevrimi ve kaynaklar
since Nov 28 Dügersüren, T. Čadrábalyn Lodojdamba (1917-1970) : namtar, dzochiol

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Notes on the search box

Suggestions in the search box correspond to searches using the university discovery service (UKAŽ) when restricted to exact phrases in titles of the department library. In addition, few features have been added:

  • substring support — when no results are returend from the discovery service, a backup copy of the catalogue is searched which allows looking up an arbitrary part of the title regardless of word boundaries (i.e. in addition to diplomacy you can also search for diplomac or iplomac)
  • diacritics support — when the query contains diacritical marks, results from the catalogue backup that strictly match the query are added (i.e. Herman will not be returned for Heřman)
  • author recognition — when the query contains a surname of any of the authors of items in the library, their publications will be returend; if other words are included, the title search is limited to the author's publications

If an entry has multiple authors or call numbers, they will be available in a tooltip on mouse hover. Note: the backup copy does not always contain the latest acquisitions.

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